Intermediate Course

Python Programming for Kids


This program is designed to introduce children to Python, a widely-used programming language. Throughout the course, they will gain an understanding of the foundational principles of the Python language and apply these concepts to create various projects. Students will become proficient in handling both simple and complex data within the Python programming environment. By the end of the program, they will have the skills and confidence to write Python code for a range of basic applications.

Java Programming for Kids


Children will be introduced to the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP). Java, recognized as one of the most versatile and powerful general-purpose programming languages, will be used to teach kids how to apply these principles to solve real-world problems.

The program is designed to make learning Java accessible and engaging for children, presenting the language in a kid-friendly and effective format. By the end of the program, students will have a solid foundation in Java and the ability to use it for practical problem-solving.

Arduino Robotics for Kids


It sounds like the perfect course for budding young engineers and inventors! They’ll get hands-on experience with electronics, learn the fundamentals of programming, and even dabble in robotics. It’s a fantastic way to blend creativity with problem-solving skills. We bet the kids will have a blast building circuits and programming robots. Children will build small robots using sensors, radio communications, and Arduino code both physically and on a simulator.

App Development for Kids


Developing real-life apps like e-commerce, weather, and food delivery apps will give the children a taste of practical application for their programming skills. It’s great that they’ll be diving into advanced concepts in JavaScript, too—it’s a powerful language with a lot of versatility.

C++ and Java for Kids


Introducing kids to object-oriented programming languages like Java, C++, and C# is a great way to deepen their understanding of coding principles. The focus on classes and objects is fundamental to mastering these languages. It seems like this course is designed to build on their JavaScript foundation, providing a well-rounded programming skill set.